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Necromancers and healing denial

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How should necromancers be treated with respect to healing denial?

Poll ended at Jul 12, 2006 (11:38 pm)

They should be treated like all other characters. If you don't want to be healed by someone, you shouldn't be able to be healed by them.
Necromancers should be exempt, the consequences which should be a mutual understanding that all necromancers are subject to free CONSENT. We can kill necromancers at will in return for their wickedness.
I think the change doesn't make sense to begin with. Even if some players are irritated or frustrated over "healing hogs", this is part of the challenge of the game. The ALLOW and DENY options should be removed for healing.
It doesn't matter much to me, but I'm leaning towards any decision that gives players the most protection from other players who intend to grieve them.
It doesn't matter much to me, but I'm leaning towards any decision that gives players the most flexibility in gameplay.
Total votes : 28

Necromancers and healing denial

Postby GDEXXY » Jun 28, 2006 (11:38 pm)

Please indicate how you feel Necromancers should be treated with respect to PvP, the rules of CONSENT, and the new DENY HEALING blacklist command.
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Re: Necromancers and healing denial

Postby OPHELIA » Jun 29, 2006 (9:00 am)

GDEXXY wrote:Please indicate how you feel Necromancers should be treated with respect to PvP, the rules of CONSENT, and the new DENY HEALING blacklist command.

I voted for number three. Healing hogs (especially those who just start doing it without even a word) are a pet peeve of mine, but I just leave the room. I think a little healer guild protocol lesson would be a better fix.

If you are going to instigate it, I'd vote for having Necromancer's exempt. Again, some of the tactics used by some of the Necromancers are horrible, and I despise the way it works now, but flipping a switch to turn it off isn't the answer, IMO.

I guess my reaction to this is... ewwww.

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Postby GROVENBURGER » Jun 29, 2006 (6:43 pm)

I voted like most, make Necromancer exempt since we it already gives consent if they use their magic on us. HOWEVER, my real feeling is to rather make Deny healing apply strictly to healing and NEITHER resurrection nor creation of zombies. I know of one character that used to be around (Abba) that despised Elven magics and if an Elf started to resurrect him he chose to release instead of letting the tainted magics caress his body. That was his choice and I respect that. We've always had that option anyways, so I see no need to block the spells as well. In my opinion giving life (or unlife as a zombie) is a altogether differant type of magic and actually feel while you are dead you shouldn't be able to block anything including healing as long as you are dead since your mind really should be pretty screwed up anyways other than by releasing. :twisted:
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Postby HRFAITH » Jun 30, 2006 (7:17 pm)

I've never had an issue with 'healing hogs' or with [most] necromancers. The only time I've ever had an issue with a necromancer was when he was doing his thing with newbs who had no idea what was going on.

New people should always be exempt from most things until they reach a certain level. Give them a chance to get accustomed to the game and its people before thrusting them into a kill-or-die situation with other players.

I voted for #3, because I would like to believe most of us who have played for a while are capable of acting like adults about the RP.

If your character doesn't wish to be healed, have them tell the healer to stop or have them leave the room.
If the person doesn't listen/follows you, have it be consent.
If your character is dead, they should get no say-so beyond releasing. This includes healing, reviving, and being made undead.
Etc., etc.
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Postby PHOENIX » Jul 1, 2006 (12:18 pm)

Allow and Deny should be removed completely. Dead people shouldn't be talking to begin with. For those that have wounds they want to tend, when you see someone trying to heal you, either stop them or go to the next room to prevent the healer from casting. I have seen a few healers/clerics that just heal whenever they see somone injured and often do not ask if that person is trying to tend, if this happens I usually just move or ask them not to heal. For people that are dead, personally I think you get what you get, if your dead how can you really have any say in the matter. If you happen to be raised by a necro and don't like it, you have your options on how to deal with it after you're alive again.

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Postby GROVENBURGER » Jul 1, 2006 (1:05 pm)

I just reread the poll options, Somehow I overlooked how that read about free consent just for being a Necromancer. Unfortunantly I voted that way but was only thinking about consent for zombie making. I do not support free consent for anyone just being one (or a member of any other guild for that reason - especially since I have a member of every guild, including those to come once they open :lol: ) by any means.

Taking that into account I'd vote for the third option instead of the second one I placed earlier. Maybe next poll I'll read when better rested. :oops:
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Postby AJBOYLE2001 » Jul 1, 2006 (5:45 pm)

* Healing allow/deny: Im not sure if this is necessary, but I do like it. It prevents clerics/healers from going around and using you for exp which takes away from proper RP anyhow. Healing is a gift to offer, and its something that should be asked for or offered. A cleric/healer should not just assume someone wants to be healed. (maybe I like to have a bruised eye..grmph)

*Necromancers allow/deny: Hell no! This is like not allowing a Thief to steal your gold. A good thief gets that gold unnoticed. As a 'good' (ha theres got to be a better word) Necro can find a way to RP with reanimation without getting reported.
CONSENT is a players way to deal with unwanted zombification if its really necessary.
I think most Necro's don't go around harrassing too badly. Who REALLY wants to be zombified? noone! But you need that evil to balance the world and in retrospect it doesn't really cause any harm that cant be fixed withing 5 minutes. If Necromancers can't do what their suppose to, then why even bother having this guild in the realms. I am strongly for removing Necromancers from this command.
(yes I play a Necro, but that doesn't make me biased)

Note:: And appearently I can't read any better than the bloody Pirate...because I voted for 2 and misread that as being CONSENT after zombification. A free for all on necro's (or any guild...agreed) is simply ridiculous. In fact, the options in the poll are lacking the true nature of the debate.
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Postby DONIHR » Jul 2, 2006 (12:39 pm)

AJBOYLE2001 wrote:* Healing allow/deny: Im not sure if this is necessary, but I do like it. It prevents clerics/healers from going around and using you for exp which takes away from proper RP anyhow. Healing is a gift to offer, and its something that should be asked for or offered. A cleric/healer should not just assume someone wants to be healed. (maybe I like to have a bruised eye..grmph)

I entirelly agree with what's said in here. The healing spells have been misused by people just casting them to get the "free exp" and has been a grievance to many non-healer players. But what bothers me even more is... In attempt to get a bleeder that's acctually good enough to still teach me anything (depending on who's with me) I'd get killed multiple times. And depending on what luck I have at the time it can take hours to get it. Not to mention that my "tends" last a lot longer now, and therefore teach a LOT slower. When someone heals me without asking just after I gained that bleeder after a long time of trying. It REALLY makes me upset. And as to "leaving the room if you see someone preparing the spell"... If you're in the middle of typing sentence or, just tended it, or done ANYTHING that rewuires rt. you CAN'T just leave the room on time. And to say the truth, people just healing me without asking first has been driving me nuts for a long time now, so I love the change.
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Postby GDEXXY » Aug 9, 2006 (1:40 pm)

In response to overwhelming popular vote, necromancers can once again spread madness throughout the lands with their ability to reanimate the dead into zombies (DENY HEALING does not apply to them).

Please note that our player policy has been updated to allow consentual player-versus-player actions against Necromancer characters at will (section

A safehaven for Necromancers is located within certain parts of their guild, of which only they can access. Furthermore, only Necromacer's can tune crystal fragments there. To accomodate this change, Garren has relocated his office downstairs.
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Postby WhispererQ » Aug 13, 2006 (5:55 pm)

I've read over the article in the new policy and I have a question.

If someone chooses to play a Necromancer character, and that character does not go around re-animating player corpses into zombies, is that necromancer character still "fair game" for any player who simply just up and happens across him or her? That is, if Sharbrea the Elven Necromancess doesn't go around re-animating player corpses, and one day she is bashing ogres in the Crystal Caverns, and while she's fighting them, Joe the Minotaur Barbarian and Malaya the Avian Wizardess happen to pass through the room that Sharbrea is in, they can still just up and attack her and kill her without provocation? Or they can't?

I'm not going to argue with player wishes or GM/GD decisions, I'm simply looking to get clarification on the new consent and exemption rules. The easiest way to avoid such conflicts, for me, if I don't want them, is not to create a Necromancer character, and that's what I'll do if the answer to my question is, "Yes, they can attack and kill her unprovoked because she is fair game." There are plenty of other classes and planned classes to choose from, without complaining about new policies. I'm looking for information-- nothing more.



EDIT: It might be worth considering, if the answer to my question is, "Yes," to add a script in the Necromancer guildmaster join speech where the player must type a final CONFIRM or AGREE in order to ensure that the player knows and understands that he or she may be attacked and killed at any time without provocation or recourse. This way newbies cannot cry and whine about every time they are "ganked."
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Postby ASTRID » Sep 12, 2006 (11:14 pm)

Hello :)

Been gone for a while, so I'm kinda out of the loop.... am I to understand that we now have a command that allows us to decline healing? Seriously??! Man, I LOVE that!!! It's always just annoyed me to no end when someone just starts healing me without a word. It has nothing to do with pet bleeders (although it's especially grating when you thought you might get a chance to learn some tending) it's just a matter of manners. My close personal friends can heal me without a word, but when a stranger or casual acquaintance does it I feel as if a liberty has been taken and it ticks me right off.

Necros, on the other hand, perhaps shouldn't care so much about manners.... I'm voting that they oughta be able to raise whomever they want and suffer the consequences. Which, it seems, is how it is now, so... yea! I win!


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Postby ellisj » Sep 13, 2006 (8:08 pm)

Astrid!!!!!!!!! HEY!!!!!! i hope i'm one that u missed >.<

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Postby OPHELIA » Sep 15, 2006 (11:14 am)

Nope, it's me she misses most <preen>

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Postby DONIHR » Sep 19, 2006 (1:48 pm)

Well, I'm really sorry to break it down to you guys but....
It's the elven ranger she missed the most...
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Postby TATEJE » Sep 20, 2006 (2:17 am)

I read this thread and I almost cried. We have the option to deny/allow healing and have free reign on necromancers? Oh what glorious glee. :D

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Postby OPHELIA » Sep 21, 2006 (5:30 pm)

DONIHR wrote:Well, I'm really sorry to break it down to you guys but....
It's the elven ranger she missed the most...

Well, psshhtt! We all miss YOU most.

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