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Selling items using a script

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Selling items using a script

Postby LAGRAMGAJ » Feb 4, 2004 (8:35 am)

I'm not sure if this is a bug but it doesn't seem to be working the way I think it should.

I was experimenting with some scripts to help sell items in shops. When the script sends the put command sell <item> to the game I get 'I could not find what you were referring to.'.

I have some examples here (I edited these a little to make them easier to understand):

(Selling pelt in furrier shop using script)

.sell pelt

[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
get pelt
You get a decent black rat pelt from inside your leather backpack.

sell pelt
I could not find what you were referring to.

[Script]>get pelt
That is already in your inventory.

[Script finished!]


(So then I sell it manually and it works fine)
>sell pelt
The furrier takes your pelt and hands you 3 gold for it.

Next one:

Selling gem in gem shop

.sell clump

[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
get clump
You get a small hematite clump from inside your suede haversack.

sell clump
I could not find what you were referring to.

[Script]>get clump
That is already in your inventory.

[Script finished!]

OK, now this is the part that confused me the most and makes me think that maybe there is a problem. The pawn shop:

Selling mortar in pawn shop

.sell mortar

[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
get mortar
You get a brown mortar from inside your leather backpack.

[Script]>sell mortar
The shopkeep takes the item, looks it over, then returns it to you. He says, "I could give you 0 gold for this."
If you are sure you wish to pawn this item, type SELL <item> CONFIRM

The pawn shop seems to understand when the script enters the 'sell <item>.... ??

Am I missing something here? Why is this not working?
I've tried writing the most basic script I could think of to make sure I'm not confusing things. I'm about to rip my hair out here. Please help!

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Re: Selling items using a script

Postby GDEXXY » Feb 4, 2004 (9:22 am)

It sort of is and it sort of isn't. The bottom-line answer is that there's no bug, it just requires you to type your commands without any superfluous spacing. This is something that's fixed with the new parsing system, but that shop isn't taking advantage of it yet.

Specificly, your script has a space after what it's selling:

"PUT_sell_%1_" where the _ are spaces.

You possibly have "PUT_sell_%1_%2", where %2 is empty, therefor producing the space at the end of the first parameter (%1).

Whichever the case, simply eliminating the extra spacing will help the game understand what you're trying to do. The new parsing system we developed recently is smarter than the old and understands excessive spacing. It's just a matter of time for us to go through all of the existing commands and areas to update them using the new system.
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Re: Selling items using a script

Postby LAGRAMGAJ » Feb 4, 2004 (10:03 am)


OK, that works great!

I had a space after %1 in the test script I was using.

I also had a space after the '%s' in the gem selling script I was trying to get working in the first place.

I feel much better now.


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