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Postby xgurlmech » Apr 21, 2003 (5:50 pm)

I just wanted to say that some things have been going on around Eaxia, and that in my opinion they havent been handled very well. For instance, there are some characters on the game that were meant to be hated. If there werent thieves or people to hate, the game wouldnt be half as fun. It keeps things exciting. Its my opinion that the reporting of characters has gotten way out of hand. It seems that every time there is a P.V.P. even for a good reason to a character, one character is reported. I'm aware that you have to draw the line somewhere, harrassment of another character or speaking about some IRL should be reported, but just because a character kills youre character for a good reason, they shouldnt be reported, its a RP GAME, if every character was passive and got along with everybody, it wouldnt be half as fun. By all means I dont mean to go around killing characters, but if you have a arguement with another character, and you get killed, the first thing shouldnt be to report to a GM. I'm sure they are quite busy with other things rather than having to read 100 reports in a day over one P.V.P.
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Postby Lylie6 » Apr 21, 2003 (10:04 pm)

This might sound odd but... I never thought the RP of a character meant trying to cause a series of problems with or for other characters which is what unconsented PvP does. While one person might view a reason as valid for PvP others could see that behavior as disruptive. Interpretation is a big part of PvP as well as rp in general. The arena should be used when a "challenge" is issued, that would at least give the other party a chance to accept or decline participating in such actions. Some players are made to be hated... I guess if thats the case the owner of such a character should be watching their back. I know alot of the people in here and I'd have to say 95% of them left another certain game due to people with ideas like that. Personally I'd like to see NPC active Town Guards put into play. This might tone down some of the fighting in common areas or just plain put a halt to people killing others in areas designed as public places. Or maybe engage/advance could be removed for PvP from all areas except the arena...
It's just a thought.
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Postby xgurlmech » Apr 21, 2003 (10:12 pm)

I am not for or against P.V.P., but the point was that when a character is hated, and does something that another player doesnt like, including P.V.P., it doesnt necessarily have to be reported to the GM's. I know a few people on the game and some thieves have been reported for stealing, others have been reported for mouthing off to another character, no words were said that would be considered "unclean". I didnt mean for people to run around and kill characters, I basically meant ignore them, if they continue to harrass you, THEN report them, if they leave you alone, that matter is settled.
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Postby Histah » Apr 22, 2003 (11:55 pm)

I have to agree with Genevier......One of the reasons I left that other game was for that reason....too many snerts....and too much non-consentual PvP. PvP may have a place but only if the other person consents to it.There have to be borderlines and if another player is behaving in a disruptive manner then it lessens everyones enjoyment.I don't enjoy PvP or confrontational disruptive characters....if I did I wouldn't have come to Eaxia.....I joined because I liked the calm quiet relaxed atmosphere....but we're fast losing that as more people join that share your attitude.While I may agree that reporting a thief for stealing is silly ...reporting someone who threatens to kill you...or does kill you without just cause is not. :x
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Postby argathian » Apr 23, 2003 (12:49 am)

ok ive seen alot of opinions on this and i tend to agree with a little of what everyone says. yes there has to be a line where PVP has gone to far (like when a player is goin around attackin people for no reason or killing em then haveing a raiser raise them and then kill em again yeah thats gone too far) but when someone mouthes off to someone or accuses them of something thats grounds to defend your chars honor and rep (all depending on how you play the char, to each his/her own). OK now everyone calls on all this nonconcenting PVP whats to happen when merc comes out are they gonna have to get permission from the one there sent to finish there mission on before they kill em? and that also in my personal opinion is picking a fight. i know many will agree and disagree with this thats what these things are for to hear everyones opinions on the matter. but thas my opinion on it!
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Postby Lylie6 » Apr 23, 2003 (1:43 am)

Okay, I'm going to apologize for the length of this right now.
Since when is "mouthing off" a valid reason to kill another player? Last I heard killing or threatening to kill another player for "mouthing off" is against policy. Reporting a thief for doing what they do isn't worth reporting, but killing or making the threat to kill someone is. As I said, everyone has their own interpretation of a valid reason to kill another player. If that person decides that's the action they want to take then they should be aware that the other party has the right to report them for it. It will ultimately be at the discretion of the GM handling such a report as to what form of disciplinary action is taken. Fun and excitement isn't exactly drawn from watching someone senselessly slaughtering someone else. Nor does it come from hating a certain character for whatever reason. It doesn't come from trying to start huge PvP battles between characters either. If you have a problem with someone that PvP is the only way to resolve it should be done in the arena where it was meant to be done. As for Mercenaries, I don't think they will just be given a free right to kill indiscriminately. But that is in the hands of those developing that guild.
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Postby arriend » Apr 23, 2003 (3:23 am)

Just throwing in my two cents...
On the topic of PvP which is unconsented, yes, it should be frowned upon and enforced justly. However...threatening is so minor that I see not why it should be reported, that is, unless this threat is repeated as in a harasment case, or if the threat is followed through.
I personally enjoy making instigating a bit of a verbal spar from time to time, but in these situations it's either mutual or not happening. With all the "family" situations in game it seems that the little relation limits RP to greetings and reminesing amongst themsleves. There's nothing wrong with that, but if there is a slight disagreement one cannot be expected to forefit their opinion and stand in silence, thus, bringing about a conflicting remark with an insignificent insult attached. poking fun at IG differences is far from prejudice and really brings about personal character attitudes. In the psuedo-society that exsists here things are bound to turn up with one race, guild, or person disliking another...and though I'm not encouraging any unfriendly actions be taken towards another, I suppose what I'm getting at is simply this, Don't be afraid to be different then the next. The realm could really use some interesting RP and GM/GDs are not always required to take part in such. Poking fun is one thing, but hauling off and attacking someone is another. We can keep the game under control ourselves without serious intervention and still have a good time! Go ahead and try it next time you're at the square. Take a few moments away from hunting, cuting or what have you, enjoy the reason we've all gathered!

Just a suggestion, take it as you will.
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Postby GDOBDURATUS » Apr 28, 2003 (12:30 am)

Some of you may wonder what the official stance on this topic is. I can't speak for the rest of the staff, but I'll gladly share my views, and let you know what you can expect if I'm reported to concerning this sort of issue.
If you report to me that you were stole from, I'm likely going to say, "That's too bad." If you report to me that someone threatened your character, and it was found to be an in character situation, I'm likely going to say, "That's nice."
If you report to me and say so and so is harassing me, I'm going to investigate, and I'm going to mangle any guilty parties. If you report to me and say that someone is threatening you in an out of character manner, I'm going to find out if it's true, and I'm going to squish any guilty parties.
If you report to me and tell me that someone killed you for no reason, I'm going to find out what happened. If it was for no reason, they get spanked. If there was reason, I'll at least consider spanking you for lying.
If you don't report to me, I won't do a thing. First of all, there is no alarm that goes off on my computer when someone harasses, attacks, or badmouths your mama. Second of all, if you don't report to me, I assume you liked it, if I do know it's going on. I think it's safe to say that any player who has reported to me a situation as such has left feeling that it was handled to an appropriate degree...feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. If you are reporting these situations, and you don't feel that it's being handled well, write a letter to another staff member. Include the fact that you spoke to a staff member, and give us their name. We won't take your word blindly, but we will investigate. If your contention is against a senior staff member, there are 3 more to speak to.
You may contact GD-Exxy, GD-Pallidar, GD-Aldanon, or me, GD-Obduratus by mail at our names as listed followed by @XXXXX.XXX.

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Postby Goharo » Apr 28, 2003 (7:30 pm)

I agree everything that i have had a problem with has been handled to the fullest of the policy. I also think those people that are report happy should be "spanked" most of everything that iev seen that has been reported was all a RP situation and then it all goes OCC cause someone has to say thats againt policy or thats harassment. and its normaly over something stupid like he said my gem isnt shiny Cant we all just get a long?
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Postby GDEXXY » Apr 30, 2003 (10:57 pm)

Changes made today, April 30th, 2003, outline specific rules regarding player-versus-player activity and the rules of consent.

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Postby GROVENBURGER » May 2, 2003 (8:41 pm)

First of all kudos to Exxy ond Obdurantus for giving us a better idea of how to handle things if we think we are being abused. Personally I've seen a few now and then I'd as so kick in the jimmy for the way they act but find this world is plenty big enough for me to find another place to wander in if i don't like a situation or personality that is wearing on me. I personallu haven't had many problems and the few times someone has gotten on my nerves I have just wandered off to something else or took a break that day.

If I take it personallu as an insult in character then I'll whisper to whoever it is to back off cause i not wanting this OR I'll play along and it'll get bloody possibly. Shrug. This is a game folks. If you can't take the heat get outta the oven, instead of adding gasoline to it to snuff it. It reallu isn't that hard to handle. If the person is being unreasonable or unruly and rude then report it. :roll:

:idea: Or even better do like me and start drinking heavily. :twisted:
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