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Postby SHAMAN » Jan 13, 2004 (7:36 pm)

well i sent this once afore an it seems it neva made it so once again....

to keep this brief, an shorter than tha last time i tried this post...i was wonderin if it would be possible for those in power to open a new room in the towne of semanri. basically wha im lookin fer is access to either an alleyway er abandon buildin of some sort i kin set up shoppe in. with the commin professions a few thins seem ta be missin in this idiots opinion, an since this is my post...cackle

in tha intrist of rp id like ta open me own busniess, namely a locksmith an odds an ends shoppe. all run by me fer more of an rp value than anythin else. insted of sittin in towne square id ratha people know im available to pop their boxes but ina local thas nae botherin anyone else er clutterin up tha area. since we have had a large influx of new faces it may come ta pass tha the streets may be a bit more crowded in tha near future. the only otha thin id ask ifn me request is accepted is a bucket er bin in wich i kin put trash an such in. an on tha off chance anyone may ask wha types of thins i may be sellin, mostly stuff second hand. me thinks this would be great fer rp all round. i had considered usin a shoppe of the sorts already about towne but as i kin nae tip tha shoppe kepers nor kin anythin be dropped in tha shoppe. i have a few locals in mind ifn anyone asks so. well im sure yeh git tha idea so i won say anymore than....

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Re: blah

Postby GROVENBURGER » Jan 13, 2004 (8:23 pm)

Hey Ty my Soifra plans to be a Trader type once that option opens to rogues . might talk to her about a 'Shop' too.

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Re: blah

Postby SHAMAN » Jan 14, 2004 (9:15 am)

well i shall do jes tha soon as i hear back from tha ghods ill know more...but i shall speak wit'er soon as im able ta..tha is when shes awake next when im am as well an she has tha time

thankx fer tha vote of confidence...
Residant Village Idiot
A Million Pyres Burn In Your Name.

by tha by ifn she attains her shoppe afore this please ask her ta speak wit me ifn she is intristed.
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