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Re: Annoyed

Postby GDEXXY » Sep 11, 2003 (12:17 pm)

Rob wrote:yes you can report then but you can't kill them and that is from EXXY.

No, it isn't Rob.

Please be a little more careful in choosing who you quote, because it's not from my lips that you got the idea that you can't kill someone who's stolen from you (personally) AFTER you (personally) have asked them to stop.

There was an incident where you (1) killed thieves from stealing from other people and (2) did it without proper CONSENT. CONSENT from theft is awarded if they steal from you, you ask them to stop, and they do it again anyway.

If they do it again anyway, CONSENT is awarded and then you may either report them or kill them. Your choice.
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Re: Annoyed

Postby GDEXXY » Sep 11, 2003 (12:25 pm)

While I'm not comfortable with the hostility in this thread, I'm sure it would be defused with a few justice-system and stealing penalty releases to move the out-of-character resolutions out and provide some in-character ones.

Right now, policy is all we have for theft, folks. If you don't want "whiners" reporting you, don't break policy and be sure to adhere to the "I've been told to stop, so I must stop" rule. When we have better systems in place, this rule will be removed and there will be a whole slew of new options for theft victims to handle the situation in-game, but since there aren't at the moment, this is how it's done.

I know it's a pain and strain on you thieves to walk the fine line of what's accepted and what isn't, both on a policy level and as tolerated by the mood of the rest of the game. It's not easy at all playing a bad character or a character doing bad deeds. It's still your responsibility to be mindful that you aren't ruining another player's enjoyment of Eaxia Online.
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Re: Annoyed

Postby ALLMINE » Sep 11, 2003 (1:41 pm)

ok i see alot of qouting from the forum and from other people so imma end this arguement with this....i CAN speqak for all us thieves when i say that all of us expect to get attacked by a player if we steal from ya its the laws of strong will survive rules. any way imma quote sometin for you all that come from what alot of rper call the thieves bible (better known as the Complete Thieves Handbook) any way here it is.....This point is one that should be well remembered by those who play thieves as well as those who run the campaigns. Regardless of how chaotic the setting, a structure at least vaguely approximating a legal system is necessary before the thief can really begin to ply his trade. well there is that ya get a justice system in then what will the whiners whine about? the theft would be handled and the thief could recieve a huge fine which would cause us thieves to be a bit more sly about it,ect
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Re: Annoyed

Postby GMBRAHLIA » Sep 14, 2003 (5:35 pm)

GDEXXY wrote:[We're talking about violations of policy. Right now it is policy that if they are asked to stop, they must for a certain period. If they do not, it's a violation that is reportable (which has been). That's why.

I fully understood that they could also use the option to report. I think I stated it somewhere in there before..but if I didn't it was because I assumed it was known. What my point was is why would you use report an out of character, and exclusive (interms of excluding players) action that disrupts game play, when there are so many in character reponses, and options available that are inclusive (include players). To do something just because you can doesn't make it a good choice. IMHO using the in-character, role-playing avenue is always the best choice.

Thanks for clearing things up Exxy. :D
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