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Be a Presence GM!

Be a Presence GM!

Postby GMZEYSOLI » Nov 12, 2006 (6:32 pm)

Are you brave enough to take on the challenge? Are you determined enough to make a difference? Are you crazy enough to work with Zeysoli?

If the answer to these questions is YES!, then please read on.

We are currently in need of some Presence GameMasters. Lots of 'em. C'mon, join up, and bring a friend. Enlist today!

All that's required is a grasp of the English language, some writing skills, creativity, and the desire to actually DO SOMETHING! You've been there before, frustrated, feeling like you're not getting anywhere in game... well here's your chance to accomplish your goals!

As a Presence GM, you'll be responsible for participating in plotlines, either in the developmental process or as a GMPC (like Princess Avenn or Guildleader Myan). Presence GMs run events, storylines, random interactions, alterers and quests!

Is that not your thing? Prefer to stay in the background, with a pen in hand? Or perhaps you just like the brainstorming process? That's perfectly fine! Presence has more than enough for you to do. We're in charge of guild development, lore, and everything in between.

So, what doesn't Presence do? Good question. We're jacks-of-all-trades, and there's something for everyone!

Oh, and there's NO CODING EXPERIENCE REQUIRED! Though, if you've an interest, all the better. Send in your application today!

Any questions, concerns, or comments can be directed to me, either through e-mail (GD-Zeysoli@XXXXX.XXX) or just catch me online and REPORT ZEYSOLI <message>. I don't bite, really! :)
<FONT COLOR="#990066">GameDirector Zeysoli</FONT>
<FONT SIZE="1">Imaginary Friend
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