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Guild Meetings

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Guild Meetings

Postby GDEXXY » Sep 12, 2004 (1:58 pm)

I appreciated Aethacyn's attempt to hold a Thief guild meeting recently and while it didn't meet with success satisfactory to his effort, it had me thinking that it was something valuable that Eaxia needs -- guild meetings sponsored by the staff.

That said, let's hold official guild meetings for all of the evolved classes. I will personally be hosting each meeting and listening closely to everything I hear. I expect everyone who attends to be honest and willing to make suggestions and pose constructive criticisms, but be civil too. These meetings will be considered out-of-character. Please feel free to speak on the issues of game mechanics.

I will hold meetings in the order of the number of members each guild has who have played over the last 15 days (most popular over the last two weeks). Based on that, here is our guild meeting schedule:

All meetings will start at 9:00 PM EST (8:00 PM CST, 7:00 PM MST, 6:00 PM PST).

Saturday 9/18/04 Wizard guildmembers
Sunday 9/19/04 Thief guildmembers
Saturday 9/25/04 Healer guildmembers
Sunday 9/26/04 Paladin guildmembers
Saturday 10/2/04 Ranger guildmembers
Sunday 10/3/04 Martial Artist guildmembers
Saturday 10/9/04 Barbarian guildmembers
Sunday 10/10/04 Druid guildmembers
Saturday 10/16/04 Bard guildmembers
Sunday 10/17/04 Necromancer guildmembers *

* (If the Necromancer guild isn't released before October, somebody shoot me.)

Only members of the guild having a meeting will be permitted to attend the meeting. If you are unable to attend a meeting, I'm sure someone will be glad to log it for you and/or address key issues on your behalf. Please speak with your guildkin about it. I expect each meeting to last anywhere from 1-3 hours depending on the number of issues we have to cover, suggestions and ideas to talk through, and anything else that comes up.

While I want to thank everyone in advance for their participation, I would like to caution everyone in advance that while I will do my best to hear out everyone's opinions, ideas, and concerns, I undoubtedly will upset at least a few people having not implemented their idea or dismissing it before much could be said on the topic. I apologize in advance now and while it's not my intention to do any of those things, with as much that will go on during these sessions (and no doubt how many of them I'll be personally going through), I'm sure it'll happen. Please don't take it personally.

When a guild meeting is scheduled to begin, a portal will open in Semanri, South Town Square that will allow access to a private area for us to meet. This area will be out-of-character and I expect if you have a problem with someone else in your guild, please be civil and respectful of everyone else's right to meet with each other and with me about these important topics. Nonetheless, if you simply don't think you can stand being around another person who has attended, you are welcome to leave the meeting at any time.

If there's any questions about the meetings that I haven't covered above, please feel free to post here on the forums so that everyone has the benefit of hearing my response.
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