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another castles bug

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another castles bug

Postby FROG » May 23, 2004 (9:41 pm)

We were playing and...

<player> [Twr: 9 Wl: 0] [Qry: 1 Brks: 10] [Mg: 3 Gems: 28] [Zoo: 3 Ctrs: 2]
play card 1 <player>
You play "Rock Stompers" on <player>. <player> takes 8 damage and loses 1 to his quarry.

Well, he had 9 tower, and my card doing 8 damage took him to 0. :? Umm... That math doesn't work.
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Postby Guest » May 23, 2004 (10:10 pm)

I don't know if another example will help, but here one is:

Quarry: [ 5] Bricks: [ 71] [ 76]
Magic: [13] Gems: [232] [245]
Zoo: [ 7] Creatures: [ 27] [ 34]

You have the following cards in your hand:
1) "Mithril Bonds" Set all generator levels of all players to 2, play again Cost: 50 bricks.
2) "Foundations" If wall is 0, +6 wall, otherwise +3 wall Cost: 3 bricks.
3) "Reinforced Wall" +8 wall Cost: 8 bricks.
4) "Dragon" 20 damage to enemy, enemy loses 10 gems, -1 enemy zoo Cost: 25 creatures.
5) "Semanri's Secret" 25 damage to all enemy towers that are 50 or higher, play again Cost: 50 gems.
6) "Slasher" 6 damage to enemy Cost: 5 creatures.
(cards that you can not play at this time are dimmed)

Other players:
***** [Twr:16 Wl: 0] [Qry: 0 Brks: 0] [Mg:13 Gems:236] [Zoo: 5 Ctrs: 96]
s>play card 4 *****
You play "Dragon" on *****. ***** takes 20 damage, loses 10 gems, and loses 1 to her zoo.
Davidian, it is now your turn.
***** grins at you.
You blink.
s>play score
It is your turn.

Tower: [56/100] Wall: [6]

This Turn Next Turn
Quarry: [ 5] Bricks: [ 76] [ 81]
Magic: [13] Gems: [245] [258]
Zoo: [ 7] Creatures: [ 9] [ 16]

You have the following cards in your hand:
1) "Mithril Bonds" Set all generator levels of all players to 2, play again Cost: 50 bricks.
2) "Foundations" If wall is 0, +6 wall, otherwise +3 wall Cost: 3 bricks.
3) "Reinforced Wall" +8 wall Cost: 8 bricks.
4) "Orc" 5 damage to enemy Cost: 3 creatures.
5) "Semanri's Secret" 25 damage to all enemy towers that are 50 or higher, play again Cost: 50 gems.
6) "Slasher" 6 damage to enemy Cost: 5 creatures.
(cards that you can not play at this time are dimmed)

Other players:
***** [Twr: 0 Wl: 0] [Qry: 0 Brks: 0] [Mg:13 Gems:226] [Zoo: 4 Ctrs: 96]
s>play card 6 *****
You may not target someone who has already lost.
***** says, "It's a bug."
You mutter.
***** says, "Exxy says he's working on it"
s>play card 5
You play "Semanri's Secret". All players (except you) with a tower of 50 or greater takes 25 damage to tower.
You may play again (it is still your turn).
Game over, Davidian is the winner with a score of 10311.
You exclaim, "Ha!"

Postby Guest » May 23, 2004 (10:50 pm)

Bah, well slightly different bug, but you get the picture. ;)

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